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League of Legends is one of the most popular MOBA games in the world, with millions of playe


League of Legends is one of the most popular MOBA games in the world, with millions of players competing in the game's various modes. The game's competitive scene is also incredibly popular, with many top teams and players competing for millions of dollars in prize money. One of the most important factors in winning a League of Legends match is having a strong and well-rounded team composition for the competitive scene.

The Best League of Legends Competitive Team Compositions

There are many different compositions that professional teams can use in League of Legends, but some are more effective than others. Here are some of the best team compositions that can help teams dominate in competitive play.

The Early Game Aggression Composition

This composition is all about snowballing early and taking control of the game from the start. It usually consists of champions with strong early game damage and crowd control abilities, such as Xin Zhao or Elise in the jungle, LeBlanc or Zoe in the mid lane, Lucian or Draven in the bot lane, and Alistar or Thresh as the support. With this composition, the team aims to take early objectives, such as first blood or the first dragon, to gain a significant lead and snowball from there.

The Late Game Scaling Composition

In contrast to the early game aggression composition, this composition is designed to scale into the late game and overpower the enemy team in the later stages of the match. This composition usually contains champions with strong late-game scaling capabilities, such as Kayle or Yasuo in the top lane, Azir or Ryze in the mid lane, Vayne or Jinx in the bot lane, and Janna or Soraka as the support. With this composition, the team aims to play a passive early game, farming as much as possible, and then turn on the aggression in the late game once the champions have reached their power spikes.

The Teamfight Composition

This composition is designed to excel in teamfights and group fights, with champions who have strong area-of-effect damage and crowd control abilities. Examples of champions that can fit in this composition include Maokai or Cho'Gath in the top lane, Orianna or Syndra in the mid lane, MF or Varus in the bot lane, and Braum or Rakan as the support. With this composition, the team aims to group up and force team fights, taking advantage of their superior crowd control and damage to win the fight.

The Split Push Composition

This composition is designed to rely on a single powerful split pusher who can take down objectives and pressure the enemy team by splitting the enemy's attention. Examples of champions that can fit in this composition include Fiora or Tryndamere in the top lane, Twisted Fate or Zed in the mid lane, and Quinn or Vayne as the bot lane. With this composition, the idea is to constantly push a side lane and either force the enemy team to send multiple members to deal with the split pusher, leaving the rest of the team to push objectives or fight in a 4v3 or 4v2 situation.

The Protect the Carry Composition

This composition is designed to play around a single hypercarry champion, such as Kog'Maw or Jinx in the bot lane, who need protection and resources to deal damage. Other champions in this composition are typically focused on peeling enemies away from the carry, such as Maokai or Nautilus in the top lane, Lulu or Karma in the mid lane, and Janna or Nami as the support. With this composition, the team aims to protect the carry at all costs and build them up to become a nearly unstoppable force in the late game.


There are many different League of Legends team compositions that can be effective in competitive play, but these five are some of the most effective. Each composition has its strengths and weaknesses, so it's up to the team to identify which one suits their playstyle the most and use it to their advantage to win matches and tournaments.